Terms and Conditions
By participating in this event, you accept these terms and conditions of entry and acknowledge that Macmillan has no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage to your belongings.
1. The Macmillan Dorset Bike Ride (the “Event”) is organised by volunteers of the Dorset Bike Ride Fundraising Group on behalf of Macmillan Cancer Support (company number 2400969), a charity registered in England and Wales (Charity number 261017), Scotland (Charity number SC039907) and in the Isle of Man (Charity number 604) of 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7UQ (“Macmillan” or “we”).
2. This is a charity bike ride, and all entrants will be raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.
3. Instructions for the Event will be provided to all cyclists by post no later than the Friday before the Event.
4. Any cyclist withdrawing from the Event either before or during the ride MUST notify the Macmillan Dorset Bike Ride Organisers by visiting the Contact section of the official Event website (https://www.macmillanbikeride.com/contact-cycle-ride). Any cyclist withdrawing from the Event before the ride MUST notify their donors that they are no longer participating, ask them if they are still happy for their donations to go to Macmillan and issue refunds if they’re not.
5. Cyclists can either transfer their place to a different distance or transfer their place to a different eligible person. Please email us at macmillandorsetride@talktalk.net or call us on 01202 601705 to request your transfer. When you contact us, please include the name and email of your replacement or the different distance you wish to transfer to. The deadline to transfer is one month prior to the Event.
6. Cyclists MUST observe the Highway Code at all times and MUST take all relevant safety precautions while participating in the Event. Cyclists MUST wear a cycling helmet during the Event.
7. Macmillan do not accept any responsibility for any cyclists who deviate from the prescribed routes unless directed to do so by a Macmillan representative or the emergency services.
8. Cyclists under the age of sixteen MUST be accompanied by a responsible adult*.
9. Cyclists MUST ensure that their bicycles are in a roadworthy condition.
10. Cyclists MUST be confident that their health status is such that they are able to participate in what is a physically challenging event and consult a doctor where necessary. Participation will be at the participant’s own risk.
11. By taking part, all participants, volunteers and spectators confirm that they are happy to be in any photos or video footage taken by authorised Macmillan photographers. These photos or video footage may be used to publicise the Event in marketing materials that will be available to the general public. It is your responsibility, and in the case of cyclists under the age of 16 the responsibility of any adult responsible for a “minor”, to advise Macmillan on the day of the Event if they do not want photos or video footage of them (or in the case of the responsible adult, the minor) used in this way. Macmillan is not responsible for photos or videos taken at or of the Event by members of the public.
12. The organisers reserve the right not to allow a cyclist to participate in the Event or to require a cyclist to stop participating in the Event for various reasons, not limited to late registration, unsuitable clothing/footwear, unsafe cycling equipment, inappropriate behaviour, unsuitable fitness levels, or other identifiable health issues which may affect their ability to complete the Event.
13. Cyclists MUST refrain from behaviour which could bring Macmillan’s name into disrepute. This includes, but is not limited to, respecting the natural environment while cycling and refraining from smoking/drinking alcohol during the Event.
14. Regardless of the cyclists’ allocated start time, the cut off time for all cyclists for this event will be 4pm. If any cyclist continues to ride beyond this time, then they acknowledge that they do so at their own risk and no facilities and support from the organisers will be provided for the Event after 4pm.
15. The organisers reserve the right to amend, postpone or cancel the Event due to unforeseen circumstances or where reasonably required. We will inform you if we intend to re-schedule or amend the Event. In the circumstances that the Event is postponed or cancelled you will be able to transfer your entry fee to a rescheduled event. For the avoidance of doubt, Macmillan will not be liable for any travel or accommodation costs, or other expenses incurred by a cyclist if the Event is amended, postponed or cancelled.
16. Participating in the Event does not confer any right (by implication or otherwise) on the participant to use, alter, copy or otherwise deal with any of the symbols, trademarks. logos and/or intellectual property of the Event.
17. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Macmillan hereby excludes any liability for loss, damage or injury to a cyclist and/or a cyclist’s property, including any indirect or consequential loss or damage, including loss of enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs, regardless of whether the loss or damage: (a) would arise in the ordinary course of events; (b) is reasonably foreseeable; or (c) is in the contemplation of the parties, or otherwise. Notwithstanding this, Macmillan does not seek to exclude or limit its liability: (a) for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; (b) for death or personal injury caused by Macmillan’s negligence; or (c) for any other matter for which it is not possible to exclude or limit liability under the laws of England and Wales.
18. These terms and conditions are subject to English law and the English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.
19. We will use your details for the purpose of administering this Event. We promise to keep your details safe and never sell or swap them with anyone. Our privacy policy is available on our website at http://www.macmillan.org.uk, this explains how we keep this promise. If you don’t want to hear from us or change your mind about how we contact you, email macmillandorsetride@talktalk.net.
* A Parent Permission Form for all those under 16s should be downloaded from https://www.macmillanbikeride.com, signed and posted to us at Macmillan Cancer Support, Dorset Bike Ride, PO Box 1432, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 9YE before an entry can be accepted.